Aikido Tendokan Dojo (www.tendokandojo.com) е специализирана школа за изучаване на бойното изкуство Айкидо, както е селектирано и предадено от учителя шихан Фумио Тойода, личен ученик на шихан Койчи Тохей
Tendokan dojo was created by Ed Tenzen Germanov Sensei (6th Dan Aikikai and Zen priest) in 1990 with its original name - Central Aikido Club.
In 1994, Fumio Toyoda Shihan gave us the name Tendokan Dojo. This name reflects the sincerity of our training and our commitment to integrate Budo (Warrior's Way) and Zen (spiritual development). This focus is a unique combination of long practice in martial arts with zazen and is complemented by our creative development and arts programs.
Tendokan Dojo has hosted all the BAA (Bulgarian Aikido Association) seminars since 1991, led by world aikido instructors: Toyoda Shihan (1947-2001), Yasu Kobayashi Shihan, Mikele Quaranta Shihan, Makoto Ito Shihan, Hiroshi Tajiri others.
Tendokan Dojo has deep and strong roots that allow us to dream, grow and create in the future, because the true meaning of our existence and meaning is in constant development.


Ed Tenzen Germanov
6th Dan
Ed Tenzen Germanov Sensei is the Dojo Cho of Tendokan Dojo. He is the founder of Tendokan Dojo and BAA (Bulgarian Aikido Association). He has practiced Martial Arts since 1980 and Aikido from 1987. In 1990, Germanov Sensei began training under Fumio Toyoda Shihan and followed him around the world for the remainder of Toyoda Shihan’s life. Toyoda Shihan is direct student of O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba. Germanov Sensei founded the Bulgarian Aikido Association in 1990 and continues to be the president and head instructor of this organization. The Bulgarian Aikido Association is an official member organization of Aikikai Hombu Dojo in Japan.

Georgi Penev
5th Dan
In the conditions of extremely restrictive Communist regime, he started practicing martial arts in 1980.
He taught himself from the books he managed to find for Karate and Aikido in spite of the lack of information and opportunities to access the history of world masters. He explored in great depth and embraced as his own the philosophy of these arts and it became the foundation of all his further development.

Tsvetomir Doskov
4th Dan
He began his Aikido training at Tendokan Dojo under Germanov Sensei in 1998. He completed uchi-
deshi program in Tenshinkan Dojo, Chicago, USA under Shihan Fumio Toyoda. He is also practicing Zen,
Ikebana, and Hojo.

Milko Karageorgiev
4th Dan
He began his Aikido training in 1999 and training under Germanov Sensei in Tendokan Dojo since 2009. He is also practicing Zen and Ikebana. He is currently leading the adult aikido trainings (from 7 th kyu to 4 th kyu), the beginners’ program (with duration 8 weeks), and also our weapons trainings.

Yanitsa Kraleva
2nd Kyu
She began her Aikido training at Tendokan Dojo under Germanov Sensei in 2010. She is also practicing Zen and Ikebana. She is leading our Aikids trainings (for children from 3-6 yearsold) since September 2017.
Tendokan Dojo daily schedule
Tendokan Dojo training schedule for 2023 can be downloaded here:
Contact with us
Tendokan Dojo
Sofia, Business park of Sofia, Mladost
5 "Panorama sofia" Str.
e-mail: tendokan@gmail.com
e-mail: tendokandojo@gmail.com
+359 88 6148008
For questions and queries
For an 8 week course for beginners and trainers for 7,6 and 5 rounds -
+359 88 6148008 - Tendokan dojo
For Family Aikido and Children and Aiki kids -
+359 88 589 8553 - Y.Kraleva
For training at Zoro Bradata (Georgi Penev) - +359 88 6148008 - Tendokan dojo
For Zen - tendokan@gmail.com - Tenzen